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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Snapping Turtle - after laying eggs

Head shot

Leaving the nest


Claw Print


  1. Love turtles! I took a course from MNR...they soon may be listed as endangered, as are many turtles. Seems odd, because they seem to be plentiful...the problem is that they dont reproduce until they are late teens or even twenty...So they have to live a long tough life to get to that point.

    I think that's why I like them so much....They represent strength and determination to me. They carry their homes and their safety net on their backs - shouldn't we as humans, remember to carry the most important things with us also? Like faith, love, trust and respect?

  2. This one was on the side of the road. There is a swamp only meters away. I think that it is interesting seeing the moss growing on it's shell. I agree Jacqui that we should carry such noble characteristics :)
